Worship and Music Ministry

First Presbyterian Church is very blessed with many opportunities for using our musical gifts for God and enjoying those of others. These include the Chancel Choir, Heritage Ringers, Youth Bell/Chime Choir, and the Prayze Band.
Alayna Young, our Organist and Director of Traditional Music, guides our spiritual growth through music and leads the Chancel Choir, Heritage Ringers and Youth Bell/Chime Choir. Steve Keith, our Director of Contemporary Music guides the contemporary worship band as the Prayze Band leader and helps center the Praise worship service as we center upon God during worship.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir – leads us in worship and praise each Sunday during the 10:00 a.m. Traditional worship service and on special occasions. Practice is on Thursday evenings.
Heritage Ringers
Our favorite Hand Bell choir, The Heritage Ringers, love to lead us with their beautiful bell ringing during worship each month at the 10:00 a.m. Traditional worship service and on special occasions. They practice on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm.

Youth Chime Choir
We are richly blessed with an wonderful group of youth who lead us each month. The Youth Bell/Chime Choir began during 2014 and our worship has been enhanced by their choral ringings.
Prayze Band
The Prayze Band leads worship at the 11:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service each week. Over the past many years the band has expanded as musical talents have been identified by the Contemporary Band Leader, Steve Keith. Currently we have a 7 instrument band with 3 song leaders. They are a wonderful addition to the FPC family.