Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Celebrating your wedding before God and with the community of faith is a joyful and moving time.
Planning Ahead

Meet with the Minister
The Rev. Laura Kelsey, pastor at First Presbyterian Church, will meet with you as a couple and talk with you about your plans before you finalize the date and schedule a wedding here. You will need to call her to set up a date and time for this first meeting. PLEASE NOTE: Only the minister of First Presbyterian Church may officiate at a wedding service in the church. Other ordained clergy may assist at the invitation of the minister.
Reserving the Church
If the date you have chosen for your wedding does not conflict with the church calendar, and if the minister has agreed to officiate at your wedding, you will need to fill in an application and place a non-refundable $100.00 deposit to reserve your wedding date. Make this check payable to First Presbyterian Church.

Pre-Marital Counseling
You will need to schedule several pre-marital sessions. These sessions will take place so that you can talk not only about the wedding planning, but also about the many issues involved in living a committed life together. If you desire, you will be asked to complete one of the PREPARE/ENRICH online questionnaires, at a cost of $35.00 per couple.
The Rev. Kelsey will provide an easy, confidential atmosphere in which to talk about the information gained in the questionnaire, as well as discuss various topics that may arise. She will help you faithfully sort out your unique circumstances, such as understanding family experiences, anticipating conflicts, dealing with earlier marriages, and building blended families.
Worship Service
All music should be planned in the spirit of Christian worship. Though a wide variety of musical options exist, it is expected that you will choose music of a sacred nature. The church organist will be available to play for your wedding. If you desire to have your own organist, our organist will need to ascertain their skill level to use our Casavant pipe organ. If you choose to have a soloist, it is important for that person to be present at the rehearsal. Appropriate fees may be charged for extra organist/soloist rehearsal time.
Flowers may be placed on one or two of the pedestals that First Church has, or your florist may use his/her own suitable flower stands. Flowers shall not be placed on the communion table. If you plan to leave your flowers for use in our Sunday worship services, please notify the administrative assistant as soon as possible so that your name can be placed on the flower calendar and in the bulletin.
We do not recommend using an aisle runner because of the likelihood of tripping. Please make sure all decorations provided by you (unity candles, pew bows, etc,) are collected following the wedding, as these items need to be removed from the sanctuary before Sunday morning worship. Balloons may not be used in the sanctuary.
There are two candles on the communion table. Unity candles are not necessary in a church wedding, but if you plan to use them, you must provide your own candles. They will be appropriately placed in the sanctuary.
Wedding Programs
Some couples prepare a wedding program for the service. The order of the worship service is available from the minister and should be included. The administrative assistant is willing to type and run copies of bulletins for you. You must give her adequate time and provide your own bulletin covers and paper. The church office has various catalogues from which wedding bulletins may be ordered. Contact the administrative assistant if you would like to browse these catalogues.
Flash photographs may be taken prior to or after the wedding service, but no flash pictures are allowed during the service. Video cameras are allowed from a non-obtrusive stationary position approved by the minister. Please notify family and friends of this policy. If you would like to include the minister in a photograph after the service, please mention it in advance. Photographers are not allowed within 15 feet of the chancel during the ceremony.
Alcohol is not permitted on the church property, nor is smoking allowed in the building. The wedding will not be performed if ANY MEMBER of the wedding party is intoxicated.
All participants in the wedding service need to be present for the rehearsal, which usually takes approximately one hour.
Please bring the marriage license to the wedding rehearsal so it can be prepared for signing on your wedding day. PLEASE NOTE: The church will need a copy of the signed license for its files as well.
- Minister $ 300.00
- Online Questionnaire $ 35.00
- Sanctuary* $ 300.00 (Includes 5 hours)
- Organist $ 150.00 (Includes rehearsal)
- Wedding Coordinator** $ 100.00
- Candles (if used) $ 25.00
- Sound Technician $ 100.00
- Fellowship Hall $ 125.00
- Bulletins at cost
- Soloist (from church) $ 125.00
*A $100.00 deposit is due, with the wedding date application, to reserve the church on the date chosen. The final payment of fees is due to the church office one full week before the wedding.
** The Wedding Coordinator is required for all non-member weddings.